Thursday, July 16, 2009

Amanda Young

Thanks for leting Enchanting Reviews interview you today Amanda.

1. What genre do you write in, and why?
I love romance novels, so that’s what I chose to concentrate on when I decided to write. However, that being said, I write in a lot of different subgenres. Among my titles are contemporary, gay, and paranormal tales.

2. Where can I find a list of all your titles?
My entire backlist, as well as coming soon books, are listed on my website. You can find excerpts and reviews on each book’s individual page at

3. How much time do you spend writing every week?
The time I spend working each week is in direct correlation to what I’m writing. Some weeks I’ll pull sixteen hours days, while the story is coming strong. Other weeks, things move much slower.

4. What was the first story you ever wrote about?
The first story I ever wrote, and completed, was MISSING IN ACTION. There were several other bits and pieces I wrote here and there, but nothing fully formed.

5. How do you judge the effectiveness of the sensual scenes in your stories?
If they make me squirm while I’m writing them, then they work for me. *G*

6. What inspires you to write?
Everything. Inspiration comes in the strangest places sometimes. I’ve gotten story ideas from television, music, or just from something odd while I was out and about. Anything can spark creativity.

7. Plotter or a Panster?
I write by the seat of my pants. Finding out what happens as I go is half the fun.

8. When you get stuck, how do you find your way back to the writing?
If I get stuck on a story, I usually get off the computer and try doodling on paper. Something about putting pen to paper helps break ideas free.

9. What kind of books do you read for fun?
I read horror and romance. That’s it. If it doesn’t have love and sex, or blood or guts, I’m not interested.

10. Is your real life anything like your stories?
Beyond being lucky enough to find the love of my life, my existence has nothing in common with the stories I write. While I love angst in my fiction, I prefer things to be drama-free in my real life.

Thanks for the interview Amanda. It's great to get to know you a little bit better!

Interviewed July 2008

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