Thursday, July 9, 2009

Carrie Vaughn

Carrie, congrats on the success of the 'Kitty' series!

1. What made you decide to become an author?
I've been writing almost my whole life. I was 8 when I wrote my first story. Around junior high, I realized writing was something I was good at, that other people didn't like to do, so I really started working at it. Around college, I decided I didn't want to do anything else.

2. How long have you been writing?
Seriously, since high school. But I was blessed with teachers who promoted creative writing throughout my school years, and I've always enjoyed it.

3. What was your first book?
The first book I had published was KITTY AND THE MIDNIGHT HOUR. The first one I wrote was in high school, a Dungeons and Dragons parody starring all of my friends.

4. How do you come up with your characters? Which is your favorite character or characters to write about?
Kitty's a lot of fun because she's so vivid and funny. The characters come with the story. I think about what kind of people would end up in these situations, how they got to be the way they are, and what they'd probably do next in any situation, and the story grows out of that.

5. What do you like to do in your spare time?
Read, watch movies, play with my dog, go hiking, fencing, travel, make costumes.

6. Do you have a set schedule when you write or do you write when you are feeling creative?
I write every day, usually after lunch though I try to write some before. I pretty much have to write every day to keep the juices flowing.

7. How do you come up with your story?
Usually, they start with a scene or an incident that I think is interesting or exciting. Then I try to figure out how the scene came about, and what happens afterwards. The story grows out of trying to explain the scene and the people in it.

8. How long did it take you to get your first book published?
KATMH was the fourth book I tried to get published, and it took about a year and a half between finishing it and selling it to the publisher. The first book I tried to sell was about seven years before that.

9. How did you go about choosing your publisher or agent?
As far as agents go, I looked for one with a lot of experience in the field, who believed in my book and in me as a writer. As for publisher--the one that made the best offer!

10. Do you feel a calling toward a specific genre or style of writing?
Science fiction and fantasy in all its forms, though I seem to be leaning more toward the contemporary side of things these days. Anything with the fantastic, the magical, the "wow" factor draws me in.

11. Who is your favorite author? And what’s your favorite book?
I re-read THE BLUE SWORD by Robin McKinley almost every year. It's an amazing, girl-centered fantasy adventure, my comfort read that always makes me feel better. Also, McKinley does a great job with flawed heroines. I'm always learning from her books.

12. Do you brainstorm? Do you use outlines?
Yes and yes. I'll actually do several outlines over the course of writing a novel to further clarify the story and what I'm trying to do with it.

13. Do you work better with paper and pen or on the computer?
I write the text mostly on the computer, but I do most of the brainstorming and outlining with pen and paper.

14. What helps get you in the mood to write?
Music. I always have to have something playing to get me in the mood, and to placate the obsessive part of my brain.

15. Any guilty pleasures?
B-grade SF movies. Captain Power fanfiction (obscure, I know).

Thank you so very much for your time. I’ve truly enjoyed reading your books and can’t wait for the next one!!!

Interviewed by Cimorene
July 2007

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