Thursday, July 16, 2009

Koko Brown

Hi Koko. You are an author with Ellora's Cave and Loose Id. I love your stories and can't wait to interview you. Here goes:

1. What genre do you write in, and why?
I began writing paranormal by accident. I love historical romances, but one day I was lying in bed and came up with CHARMED, a erotic interracial about a vampire who uses his power to charm his estranged wife. The story I penned for Loose Id is also a paranormal.

2. How much time do you spend writing every week?
I TRY to devote a minimum of 500 words a day, but lately it seems like I’ve been batting a zero. Life is always calling me.

3. What was the first story you ever wrote about (not neccessarily first published story)?
My first novel is an interracial set in the 1920’s during the Harlem Renaissance. It’s an interracial love story involving a cabaret singer and mafia hit man who hates what he does for a living, but doesn’t know how to get out.
4. How do you judge the effectiveness of the sensual scenes in your stories?
If I need to call someone or grab one of my toys afterwards.

5. Ever been told, Um...sweetie, that's not how it works?
Gosh no, and if I did I wouldn’t tell.

6. Favorite candy while writing?
Favorite candy? I usually don’t eat candy while writing, but I guess if I did it would be “go deep mints” to put me in the mood.

7. Where did your most unusual plot idea come from?
In CHARMED, there is a pivotal scene where the heroine finally forgives the hero while watching a Chinese fable enacted in a private theatre. It’s sort of like watching Kubuki theatre, while an orgy is going on. The idea came from the miniseries called Shogun with Richard Chamberlin. Even though I was only eight at the time…the story stayed with me.

8. What music inspires your writing?
While writing I listen to everything from Louis Prima, David Bowie, to Omarion.

9. Most challenging place you've ever written a spicy scene?
That could be anyplace where there isn’t an available man to put out the fire I’ve started.

10. When you get stuck, how do you find your way back to the writing?
Usually my critique group gets me back on track.

11. What are your 2008 titles?
Nature’s Pentacle, Strange Sabbats, Broken Pentacle (Aug. 19 ’08), Fighting the Undertow (coming soon from Loose Id).

12. Where's the most unusual place you ever managed to have sex?
On the floor of a record store.

13. Is your real life anything like your stories?
My female characters are a lot like me. Very business oriented, independent, outspoken, and funny. The heroes are definitely from fantasy. Why would you write about a man who wasn’t your true dream guy?

14. If you were to make a bumper sticker for your car that had to relate to erotic romance, what would it say?
We’re all the same color in the dark.

15. Do you believe in soulmates?
Oh most definitely, just like I believe in soul friends. I think all of the people brought into our lives were all destined to be there at one point in time or other.

16. Cake or Pie? Coke or Pepsi? Tea or Coffee?

17. How can readers contact you?
My web page is

Thanks for the interview Koko!

Interviewed July 2008

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