Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beth Kery

Hi, Beth, and thanks for agreeing to chat with Enchanting Reviews about your books. We are so excited about getting to know you better.

Thanks for asking me. I’m glad to be here.

1. Which of your male characters would you be the most attracted to in real life?
Oh, Jeez. A toss up. Christian Lasher from GATEWAY TO HEAVEN-I have an adolescent thing for rock stars *rolling eyes*--and Vic Savian from WICKED BURN, my New York publishing debut book which comes out December 2008 from Berkley Sensation. Vic’s a cowboy playwright, a little moody, probably more than a little imperfect…and so damn sexy.

2. If you had to describe your writing to someone using only 3 words, what would they be? What do you like least about writing?
“Pulls at heartstrings.” The thing I like least about writing is agonizing before I get started on a book. I’m actually much happier when I’m ‘under way” on the journey of writing something. Preparing for the trip, so to speak, is hard for me. I’m always itching to get going when I haven’t planned things out sufficiently, which is a great way to end up in the Siberia of novel writing.

3. How long did it take you to get your first book published? How did you go about picking an agent and/or publisher?
I believe it took about a year from send-off to acceptance, and then it took another seven months until actual publication. The initial wait was excruciating because I never knew if it was lost, long ago tossed in the garbage…or what? Like many writers, I hate waiting. Unfortunately it’s as integral to this business as putting words on a page. I have several wonderful publishers so I’ll comment on why I chose my agent. I chose Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency because she not only said she loved my writing, she told me WHY she loved it. She sounded confident that she could sell it-and she did in two weeks. *grin* But seriously, your agent has to really feel good about trying to sell your stuff. Laura was able to convey her enthusiasm to me. I figured she’d also be able to convey that to editors.

4. What do you like to do when you are not writing?
I like spending time with my wonderful husband, reading, listening to live music and traveling. I also love going to art galleries and art museums. I am such a non-artist, but I have a huge admiration and appreciation for it. Writing is art, of course, but I’m referring to painting, sculpture, etc. Several of my heroes and heroines are artists, probably as a wish fulfillment on my part.

5. What is one item that you could not live without? What is your favorite junk food?
It’s a toss up between my tiny little Sharp two pound laptop and my sound machine. I live in the city, but I’m also a very light sleeper. I literally can’t sleep without it. Junk Food: Reese’s peanut butter cups.

6. Do you prefer to wear dresses or slacks?
If I went by percentages I’d have to say slacks. But I actually do like wearing skirts for the ‘day job’ occasionally and also for going out.

7. How do you come your with your characters and/or plot? Are any of them based loosely on real people in your life?
It depends. Sometimes the characters come to me before the plot unfolds. Sometimes the plot fuels character development, even if it’s just a ‘flash’ of an intriguing scene. For my second Berkley book (tentatively titled CAPTIVE SECRETS), for instance, my inspiration was just this vivid fantasy of a man in a darkened room holding up a real, rare emerald and a fake facsimile. He takes the woman’s fake and leaves the genuine emerald in her jewelry box…and exits her house and life. Why would he do that? I thought. That was the birth of a story and a fairly well fleshed out hero and heroine.

I have to say none of my characters are really based on people in my life. They’re all pretty much plucked out of my fantasy world. As to whether they are hard or easy to work with…well, once again it depends. Sometimes the ones that I struggle with a bit are the most interesting. Notable struggles were Jax from the Subtle Lovers series, Megan from GATEWAY TO HEAVEN and Trick from TRICKED TRUTHS.

8. What is your favorite season or time of day? Where is your favorite place to visit?
I love the morning, the fall and Lake Tahoe. As a matter of fact, all those things together would be just about perfect.

9. Bubble bath or shower? Satin or lace? Chocolate or vanilla? Wine or beer? Pillows or blankets? Pen or Pencil? Blue ink or black?
Bubble bath all the way. No comparison.
CHOCOLATE, are you kidding?
Wine, red, full-bodied, peppery.
Pillows or Blankets? You mean I have to choose? They go together.
Black ink.

10. Can you give us a sneak peek into what you are writing now? Or a hint of what is up-coming?
I just finished a time travel tentatively called DARING TIME for Berkley Heat. It was really fun for me both to research and write this one as my beloved city (Chicago) plays a big part, both in the present and in the year 1906. Now I’m in my ‘steeping’ phase for my second Heat novel-which means the period where I brainstorm, research and generally torture myself as I come up with characters, plot, etc. *grin* To be honest with you, I’m tormenting myself a bit more than usual, because I’ve decided to do a vampire. I always told myself I wouldn’t, because it’s been done so much, how can I ever do an original angle? But I don’t know, for some reason, the muse kept telling me I was a coward for not trying. Might be a particularly challenging ‘delivery’ for this baby.

Beth, thank you so much for your time and for answering my questions. We can't wait to review more work from you in the near future!

It was my pleasure, Desiree.

Interviewed by Desiree de Cleves
May 2008

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